
Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice
November 4th — 6th, 2024
Henry Sy Hall, the University of the Philippines Manila, Philippines

Computation should be a good blend of theory and practice. Researchers in the field should create algorithms to address real world problems putting equal weight to analysis and implementation. Experimentation and simulation can be viewed as yielding to refined theories or improved applications.

WCTP 2024 is the 13th workshop organized by Institute of Science Tokyo, Chitose Institute of Science and Technology, Kyoto Tachibana University, University of the Philippines-Diliman and De La Salle University-Manila that is devoted to theoretical and practical approaches to computation. It aims to present the latest developments by theoreticians and practitioners in academe and industry working to address computational problems that can directly impact the way we live in society.

WCTP 2024 will feature work-in-progress presentations of prominent researchers selected by members of its Program Committee who come from highly distinguished institutions in Japan and the Philippines. The presentation at the workshop will certainly provide high quality comments and discussion that future research can benefit from.

Invited Speakers

Michael L. Tee, MD, MHPEd, MBA, University of the Philippines Manila, Professor and Chancellor
Dr. Michael L. Tee is a Professor of Internal Medicine-Rheumatology at the College of Medicine and the incumbent Chancellor of the University of the Philippines (UP) Manila. He is also conferred the title University Scientist of UP, in recognition of his contributions to science and technology and scientific research productivity. He has earned his Master in Health Professions Education degree in 2007 in UP Manila and Master in Business Administration degree in 2015 in UP Diliman. He is the current Chair of the Southeast Asia One Health University Network (SEAOHUN) and the Philippine One Health University Network (PhilOHUN), network of universities advocating expertise through One Health initiatives to improve health for all. He also serves as the Special Adviser to the Chairman of the Commission on Higher Education on international linkages of Philippine universities with foreign universities and industries.
(Title) From Community Medicine to Personalized Medicine
Shin-ya Nishizaki, Ph.D, Institute of Science Tokyo, Professor
He is a professor of computer science at the Institute of Science Tokyo (formerly Tokyo Institute of Technology), Japan, where he leads a research group focused on formal theory in software systems. He received his bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in mathematical science from Kyoto University. Before joining Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1998, he served as an Associate Professor in computer science at Chiba University for two years and as an Assistant Professor at Okayama University for two years.
(Title) An Overview of Digital Transformation at Science Tokyo and First-Hand Experiences from the Consultation Desk


Important Dates

Submission Deadline:
July 1, 2024
July 22, 2024 (Extended)
Acceptance Notification:
August 15, 2024
September 2, 2024
Cameraready Deadline:
September 30, 2024
Registration Deadline:
October 11, 2024
Conference Date:
November, 4-6, 2024


The WCTP 2024 program will consist of invited talks by prominent researchers and contributed talks from submitted papers selected by the Program Committee. All sessions will be devoted to original research. Major topics of the workshop include, but are not limited to, the followings:

Theory of Computation:
Model of computation, Logic, Design and analysis of algorithms, etc.
Software and its engineering
Software organization and properties, Software creation and management, etc.
Security and Privacy
Formal methods and theory of security, Security services, Software and application security, Human and societal aspects of security and privacy, etc.
Human-centered computing
Human computer interaction(HCI), Interaction design, Collaborative and social computing, Ubiquitous and mobile computing, etc
Computing methodologies
Symbolic and algebraic manipulation, Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Concurent computing methodologies, etc.
Applied computing
Enterprise computing, Life and medical sciences, Education, Computers in other domains, etc.
Health informatics
Clinical informatics, population health informatics, clinical decision support systems, mobile computing for health, health monitoring systems etc.


Submissions related to the topics of the workshop are very much welcome. Submissions that relate results from other areas to the workshop topics are also encouraged. Submitted papers should preferably be typeset in LaTeX2e using the style file. We recommend the usual page limits of around 15 pages.

Any submission should include the session name, the title of the paper, names and affiliations of authors, an abstract of 70-150 words, and the contact author's name, phone number, fax number, and email address. The session names are as follows:

  • Theoretical Approaches to Computations,
  • Practical Approaches to Computation,
  • Computation for Community-based Applications,
  • Computation Contributing to the Health and Medical Care Field.

Submissions must be in English. The paper must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere, including journals and proceedings of other symposia or workshops. One author of each accepted paper should be able to present it at the workshop. All submissions should be in PDF file format and uploaded via the Easychair Conference System.

LaTeX style files and Microsoft Word's template files are available from the following links, which the authors must use.

Submission Page in EasyChair: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=wctp2024

Accepted full papers will be published by Atlantis Press.

Peer-Review Policy

WCTP2024 is committed to ensuring the highest level of academic integrity, which includes a thorough and rigorous peer-review process.

  1. Submission: All submitted papers will be checked for relevance to the conference themes and scope. The submission should not have been previously published or under review elsewhere.
  2. Initial Screening: Each submission will undergo an initial screening for formatting, language quality, and adherence to submission guidelines.
  3. Double-Blind Review: Submissions passing the initial screening will then go through a double-blind peer-review process. This means the identities of the authors and reviewers are not disclosed to each other. The submissions are evaluated based on originality, technical soundness, clarity of presentation, relevance to conference themes, and potential impact in both theoretical and practical aspects of computer science.
  4. Reviewer Assignment: Each submission is typically reviewed by at least two expert reviewers within the field. The review panel is selected based on their expertise, and any potential conflicts of interest are considered and managed.
  5. Revision and Resubmission: Based on the reviews, papers may be accepted, rejected, or returned to the authors with requests for revision and resubmission. Authors must address the reviewers' comments systematically in their revision and provide a detailed response to the reviewers' comments.
  6. Final Decision: The final decision regarding acceptance of a paper is made by the Program Committee, considering the reviewers' feedback and the paper's contribution to the conference's diversity and balance.

Our peer-review process is designed to ensure that all accepted papers meet high standards of quality, originality, and relevance to the conference themes. By submitting a paper to WCTP2024, authors agree to undergo this process.


Registration Page: https://forms.gle/uPGn6jLmeowSRhvG6.

The registration fee is as follows:

Participants from Japan are required to pay the registration fee in advance by bank transfer. All other participants are required to pay the registration fee on the day of the meeting.


Henry Sy Hall, the University of the Philippines Manila

For those coming with cars: the recommended parking (paid) is at the Robinson's Place Manila


Program Co-Chairs

  • Jaime Caro (University of the Philippines - Diliman)
  • Merlin Suarez (De La Salle Univeristy)
  • Masayuki Numao (Kyoto Tachibana University)
  • Shin-ya Nishizaki (Institute of Science Tokyo)
  • Shigeki Hagihara (Chitose Institute of Science and Technology)

Supporting Institute