WCTP 2013 — Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice—
September 30 — October 1, 2013, University of the Philippines - Diliman, Quezon, the Philippines
Satellite Workshop September 27 — 28, 2013, University of San Jose Recoletos, Cebu, the Philippines

Invited Speakers

Issues for Modeling from Big Data

Prof. Takashi Washio
The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University

Prof. Takashi Washio's Photo

Many studies on computer architectures and algorithms are currently underway for efficient processing of big data. On the other hand, essential issues and techniques crucial for data mining and machine learning from the big data are not widely recognized in communities of computer science. Techniques to address the various difficulties caused by curse of dimensionality and data sparseness in the big data containing many variables are becoming highly important. In this talk, I show some technical remedy to these difficulties particularly in our studies of a state estimation approach which includes hundreds of observed variables.